Omex Nitroflo vs Granular

Average of samples taken in May/June 2020  and April/May 2021 in Tipperary and Cork. In all cases the Omex Nitroflo and granular were applied within 24 hours of each other in side by side paddocks and were sampled when appropriate for grazing.

The lower dry matter of the Omex Nitroflo grass indicates a faster growth. The lower NDF and higher ME and Protein also indicated better growth.

During the warm dry weather in late may/early June 2020 growth was measured at 14 and 21 days post application on grazing paddocks and up to 50% more growth was reported where the Omex Nitroflo was applied versus the same units of Granular.

During the current cold spell of April/may 2021 similar differences in growth rates have been seen and an even greater difference in grass protein of up to 5% in favour of Omex Nitroflo liquid.

Infographic for OMEX liquid fertiliser
Photo of OMEX liquid fertiliser trial field

Above is a photo depicting the visual to support the data below from 2 paddocks side by side in June 2020. The colour and density of the swards speak for themselves.

Infographic on OMEX liquid fertiliser

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