Barrett Agri supplies in association with Watsons seeds, have an extensive range of grass seed mixtures, designed to cater for all reseeding situations.
✅ All varieties contained in our Castle and Saltire mixtures are ‘First Choice’ ’ as published in the Irish Department of Agriculture, NIAB, SRUC and AFBI recommended lists.
✅ Watsons Seeds enjoy a very positive relationship with a range of key grass breeders across Europe that enables them to source the best varieties possible for our Castle Mixtures and Saltire Mixtures.
✅ Watsons Seeds position of independence enables them to take an objective view on variety selection with animal performance at the heart of their selection process. We continue to strive to improve our mixtures.
Duart + Clover (Ireland)
The specialist dairy mixture
Castle mixture Duart + clover produces outstanding energy and protein levels. It contains high proportions of the new generation high sugar grasses. A high percentage of late perennials, allows flexibility in the cutting date. Excellent ground cover and persistency. This mixture has won a number of silage competitions.
Christy a Dairy farmer, has noticed much improved herd milk yields and milk solids while grazing Duart swards compared to grass mixtures used by him previously.
Available with CAST coated clover blend.
Available with CAST coated clover blend
Available with CAST coated clover blend.
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Theme: Illdy.