This is the year to join the many farmers now using Omex Liquid Fertiliser and to try it for yourself.
There is no question now, but that farmers are going to have to look at and be prepared to try and to find different ways to reduce overall Nitrogen application rates while at the same time not inhibiting crop production yields. Better utilisation of slurry and other forms of organic manure, while unpredictable in terms of timing of nutrient availability to the plant, can play a part.
Whether it’s arable crops like Cereals, Beet, Maize, Beans, OSR and so on, or whether it’s grass for grazing or for Silage, we must find a more efficient and affective means to fertilise these crops.
Omex Liquid Fertiliser is one answer that is certainly worth consideration. Because its a liquid, it’s take up by the plant through the plant roots is a much more affective means of getting the nitrogen into the plant. The 3 nitrogen sources + S ensure that while plant uptake is immediate, it is then absorbed evenly by the crop over a period of weeks feeding the plant gradually over that time.
This is the reason why lower application rates will give at least the same response as standard rates of granular fertiliser.
The key benefits of Omex Liquid Fertiliser lie in our ability to better predict uptake and utilisation of the nitrogen from the time of application until it is used up in the plant, no matter what the prevailing weather conditions. Obviously in dry weather where granular fertilisers will stay on the ground surface for long periods, until there is sufficient moisture to degrade the granules and they become liquid enough to move down into the soil, the losses and reduction in nitrogen available to the crop can be significant. These losses are significant in three different ways.
The plant (crop) does not get the nitrogen it requires when it requires it. It may uptake later on which is likely to cause issues with the quality of the arable crop or the quality of the grass silage, or indeed the quality of the grazing grass.
The environmental damage caused by the release of ammonia while it is sitting there on the surface is a serious concern.
While predictability of plant uptake and usage thereafter is a real and key benefit of using Liquid Fertiliser, there are several others.
Lower cost system. Much improved accuracy of application.
Much reduced wasted fertiliser.
Reduced work load with fertiliser application.
No bags or pallets to deal with.
In a dairy farm situation where cows operate to a relatively strict 20 to 22 day grazing rotation, it is critical that when fertiliser is applied that an immediate uptake response is achieved and that it can be safely predicted that the majority of that nitrogen is used up in growing the grass over that 3 week period. In testing Liquid Nitroflo + S in that situation, it was found that an extra 4 weeks grazing was achieved over the grazing period. This because grass got off to an immediate start where liquid was applied compared to granular fertiliser, which often sat there for days, sometimes weeks! In many situations after a silage cut, there was a delay in spreading granular fertiliser, until regrowth of grass cover or rain was on the way.
Lower cost per tonne/ unit of Nitrogen.
For Barrett Agri,
Maurice Smiddy
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