Maxammon Grain is the name given to an exceptionally cost effective and efficient system of grain storage, where enhanced pH and increased Protein result in huge benefits to the farmer.
Harvest time is the best opportunity to secure your winter feed concentrate requirement, at best value prices off the combine.
That opportunity is there for any farmer with a requirement for high quality energy and protein (and there’s little better than Native Cereals, Maize Grain & Beans) to adapt this system and keep tight control on concentrate costs for the coming winter/ spring.
Check out this video of Professor Nick Jonsson from Glasgow Vet School who discusses Maxammon treated grain performance trial, to test whether a new alternative protein source would outperform the existing system.
Results are very impressive !
The greatest obstacle to feeding native cereals in the past has been the richness of these products as ruminant feeds along with unreliable storage systems. Because of the Alkaline nature of Maxammon Grain, the animal can happily consume and efficiently digest significant volumes of this treated grain safely, and farmers and their animals can enjoy the benefit of a locally produced top quality concentrate feed.
One of the other big benefits of using Maxammon Grain is the simplicity of the storage of the product. The treated grain should be sealed for two weeks from the day of treatment. During the process, the advanced Maxammon Grain enzyme converts all of the added Soluble Feed Grade Urea to Ammonia. After that indoor silos may be opened and the plastic cover completely removed. It may be stored in an outdoor silo and left covered with plastic, and opened just to take a load or two to the feed house when required. It may be stored in the Ag-Bag (sausage bag) system which is a very low cost store, compared to conventional grain stores.
Key Features and Benefits Maxammon Grain
Maxammon Grains are whole grains harvested at near combine ready dry matters (16-20% moisture content) and conserved in an alkaline state (pH 8.5-9.5) with the ammonia releasing process -Maxammon.
All cereals are suitable for Maxammon Grain production, e.g. wheat, barley, oats, triticale, maize & beans. Treated grain can be stored whole or processed but grains must be rolled or cracked before being fed, to aid digestion.
✅ Storage of Grain for 12 months or more with Maxammon Treatment.
✅ Ready to feed 2 weeks after treatment
✅ Higher levels of grain may be utilised in all Ruminant diets.
✅ Lower final feed cost than other methods of grain storage and treatment.
✅Increases protein levels by up to 30% Crude Protein.
✅ Alkaline pH provides a buffer to improve Rumen function.
✅ Higher Crop Dry Matter Yield than crimping options.
✅ Eliminates Drying Cost with no weight loss
✅ Stable product- No feed waste or moulds
✅ Larger harvest window & ready to feed from store
✅ Increased Animal Performance.
✅ Better profitability & improved animal health.
✅ Less foot and lameness problems in dairy cows.
✅ Improved body condition stability and fertility in dairy cows.
✅ Finishing animals introduced faster onto full feed at housing without risk of Acidosis.
✅ Longer term storage option compared to crimped or dried grains.
✅ Moist grain, so no negative affect on nitrates regulations.
✅ Option for trouble free trading of Maxammon Grain Farm to Farm
✅ Significantly reduces dependence on bought in protein sources.
Did you know…
Maxammon is a combination of Soluble Feed Grade Urea, Essential Oils, Enzymes and Full Fat Soya.
The unique patented Enzyme ensures 100% hydrolization of the urea content during the process rapidly stabilising the grain.
Did you know…
…Maxammon Grains can be fed as an ideal complement to grass for young, dairy and beef replacement from the age of three months upwards.2
Did you know…
…There is NEVER any Urea in a pit of Maxammon Grain. Don’t confuse Maxammon Grains with Urea treated grain. Only straight urea moist grains contain unhydrolised urea. That treatment relies on fermentation acids to breakdown the urea. The process is inherently unreliable and because of this variability the application rate is much higher than with the Maxammon Grain, so there is OFTEN residual urea left in these materials.
Did you know…
…For ALL small grain cereals the Maxammon rate never changes from the required 20kg per tonne in Target Dry Matter range (84% to 80%). Higher inclusion levels can be used in certain circumstances to increase protein levels. Maxammon Grain can be made from MATURE but higher moisture grain. If in doubt please contact us for advice.
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Coppeen – http://bit.ly/BarrettAgriCoppeen
Bantry – http://bit.ly/BarrettAgriBantry