Fodder Rape is a popular forage crop due to its ease of production and its palatability. It is capable of producing a large bulk of fodder in a short timeframe but is not as winter hardy as Kale. One can sow as late as early September in the South

Barrett Agri when dealing with farmers who require a low cost winter forage can supply all the inputs, seed, chemical fertiliser for this crop.

Ensure all diets are properly balanced if strip grazing forage Rape. It is very useful for fattening lambs and lactating ewes. It is also widely used as a low cost forage crop to strip graze during winter months for sheep, cattle and cows. Always feed hay or silage as a roughage source.


[rad-hl]                  Red Start               [/rad-hl]

Redstart is one of a family of new generation rape/kale hybrids that offers high yields, excellent palatability and superior regrowth ability. Redstart delivers very good winter hardiness. Redstart has good resistance to bolting and is therefore suited to spring sowing, or can be sown later for autumn/winter grazing.

[rad-hl]                   Barcoli                 [/rad-hl]

Barcoli is a very leafy, high yielding variety with good digestibility. Barcoli has good resistance to mildew which can often reduce yield and affect palatability.

[rad-hl]                   Hobson                 [/rad-hl]

Hobson is ideal for finishing lambs. Hobson has excellent resistance to powdery
mildew, a disease which can make some crops unpalatable leading to a high
wastage factor. Hobson is very palatable and digestible.

Teagasc Fact Sheet

For more agronomy information regarding seed variety, rate, herbicide, and nutrients please contact our Team of experts as these change on an annual basis.